Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death must inspire an era of ‘notorious renewal’ in the US


Tom Plate starts this amazing piece by drawing out the face-off between RBG and Donald Trump as fight between "David versus Goliath,..., the diminutive versus the hulk, the thinker versus the non-thinker, the caring versus the uncaring". The author then goes on to say how Trump's allies are hastening to fill the position vacated by RBG's death when much of the world stood up and took notice of her death.

RBG was without any doubt a very important feminist icon. The author then tells us about a thought from Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg (no relation of the late Justice Ginsburg)

What holds a people, a city or a nation together, he argued, goes beyond mere institutional matrices or public policies; nations and peoples tend to bond for reasons of negative history and shared shameful experience at least as tightly. Shame can prove a fiercer national glue than love. Ginzburg says that shame “falls upon us, invading us – our bodies, our feelings, our thoughts as a sudden illness”, serving to bind people together in a community of feeling.

This is precisely the situation which Unites States is currently in. The US's time of triumphant is long over. The article further tells us about US's reason for shame ranging from "war in Vietnam to the blunders in Iraq and Libya, from the 2007-08 Wall Street-inseminated global greed to the ongoing bifurcation of communities into those that support the Black Lives Matter movement and those insist 'all lives' do"

RBG was unique in not only her excellence to stay away from this swamp but as in quality and impact of her decisions from the bench.